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In spite of abundant supplies of energy in the United States, energy costs seem to continue rising. One way to offset the extra expense is to use solar energy in our homes as much as possible. There are some valuable tips in the following article that can help you take advantage of the sun's energy as much as possible.

If you're thinking about installing visit the following website solar panels to generate your own electricity, make sure that the roof you'll be installing them on gets plenty of good sunlight. Good sunlight occurs between 9am and 3pm. You'll generate the most electricity if your roof receives full, exposed sunlight between those hours every day.

Find out if your local energy provider offers meter rollback programs. Once you have a solar energy system, you should consider joining one of these programs so you can sell the energy you produce to the main grid and draw the same amount of energy instead of purchasing an expensive battery system to store your power.

Cleaning your solar panels does not need to be labor intensive. You want to avoid abrasive soaps at all costs, as they can deteriorate and even destroy your panels. So long as there is not caked up dust or bird droppings, frequent rinses with just hose water should be more than enough.

Keep shade issues in mind when installing solar panels. A panel that loses a quarter of its light can lose half its power production. The main thing to keep in mind is tree foliage. Are any trees going to grow in between the panels and sunlight? Consider trimming them back a little.


If you know nothing about installing the equipment needed for solar energy, contact a professional to do it for you. The installation of solar energy panels and equipment is something rather specialized. If you attempt to install it yourself and do not do it right, you can ruin the equipment involved.

Think about the money that you send to your power companies each month. How would you like to keep that money in your pocket? Changing to solar power will do that for you. After you pay off the initial investment, the money you used to pay to the power company will stay in your wallet.

As you prepare to have a new home constructed, consider having solar energy measures included. Solar energy leaves no devastating footprint on the environment. If you haven't considered this energy yet, you should do so now.


Solar energy can help save you money on your utility bill. The sun's energy is free for you to use, and can help you save money when you have solar energy panels installed on your home or place of business. If you want to learn how you can save money with solar energy, call a professional in your area.

Keep in mind that purchasing a solar power system often enables you to receive tax credits from the government. You may find that you get back as much as 30 percent of the total cost of your system. So, if you look into a system and think that it costs too much, investigate whether or not you will get credit back to determine how affordable it actually is.

Do not fret if you live in an area where it is frequently overcast. Solar power does not necessarily require full sun all the time. The sun's radiation penetrates through the clouds and can energize the solar panels effectively. Before you give the idea, do your research and discuss your options with reputable solar energy companies.

You should invest in a sun tracker to produce more power. Such devices work to automatically shift the solar panels to the best angle for capturing sunlight. Though the cost is higher with a tracker, the energy increase will outweigh the cost.

The best time to incorporate solar power into the design of a home or building is in the initial construction. Windows are best facing south to let maximum sunlight (hence greenhouse heat) in during the winter. Likewise, avoid windows facing directly into the summertime sun to keep things cooler, so less power is needed for fans or air conditioning. The maximum roof space, however, should always get sunlight exposure.

Before purchasing any solar panels, make sure they are government certified. This may seem like a small deal, but it really affects your bottom line. Many of the government rebate programs require that your solar panels are government certified. If they aren't, you'll be missing out on some of the cash back opportunities out there for you.

Solar power heating, whether for heating water or for a direct heat source, is different from solar power electric. By installing one of these systems, you can reduce your gas bill by up to 50 percent. This is on top of the savings you have on your electric bill already.

Solar energy is a big investment with big dividends for both your wallet and the environment. That being said, you have to make sure you check all references and proposed contracts from at least three contractors before moving forward with your decision and making a choice as to which contractor you're using.

Do not rush in selecting the first solar power system you come across. Before you make a commitment with a company, you need to make sure you cannot find any better deals elsewhere. Check out your town's federal, state, and local incentives first. You can find this information at the DSIRE database.

Solar power heating, whether for heating water or for a direct heat source, is different from solar power electric. By installing one of these systems, you can reduce your gas bill by up to 50 percent. This is on top of the savings you have on your electric bill already.

Solar energy is truly our friend, powering up electronics and keeping the Earth habitable by allowing us to use it sustainably. We all want to be green, and this is a great way to do it. Now that you know how to get started, all you have to do is get moving!